Students who meet the application criteria below may apply for the undergraduate programs at the Middle East Technical University (as long as they satisfy at least one of the minimum exam/diploma scores listed here:

Only the candidates whose eligibility is defined in the "Principles Governing International Student Admissions" drawn up by the Council of Higher Education can apply to these quotas.

If you do not have citizenship of the Republic of Türkiye or TRNC AND if you completed all of your high school education outside of Türkiye and TRNC, these principles do not include important details for you.

However, (i) if you have citizenship of the Republic of Türkiye and/or TRNC OR (ii) if you did not complete all of your high school education outside of Türkiye and TRNC, then you are strongly recommended to check these eligibility criteria to see if you are eligible to apply through international student quotas.

METU Directive for International Student Applications, Admissions, and Registrations to Undergraduate Programs:

General Principles of the Higher Education Council regarding the admission of students from abroad (in Turkish):